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Bembo Clarke writes about games because he doesn't know much about anything else. Celebrate this 1 dimensional individual by reading what he has to say, and telling him if he is right or not.

Thursday 14 April 2011

...Sonic...again...yeah, I know...

I don't dare to hope for anything good

Here we go with another round (probably) of terrible, terrible wrongness. When will SEGA actually do what Yahtzee suggests and put ol' Sonic out of our mutual misery. Sonic used to be my favourite; he is much cooler looking than Mario, and had better 2D outings to boot! (Preparing for storm of criticism) The first Sonic Adventure was a pretty good game, but since...well...we all know, and I don't need to say.

What I will say though, is that with a little bit of effort, a really great sonic game could be made...and if SEGA would like to sit down to a coffee with me, I would explain my grand vision!